Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Yoga can cure Cancer!

A Delhi-based Yoga therapist has claimed that Yoga can cure all diseases including Cancer. However he is not in favor of mass teaching of yoga - including popular ‘pranayams’ like ‘kapalbhati’ and ‘anulom vilom’.

Subhash Sharma said that the rules of yoga should be different for people with different physique. It should not be universal. Performing yoga even with instructions from a book is not free from faults. It may drag to odd situations.

Recounting a particular case, he said that one of his clients had lost the sensation of the nerves to the anus, which shows practicing some yoga therapy without proper guidance.

In ‘bhastrika pranayam’ one need to send air with pressure to the lungs. But improper process of pumping the air can lead to development of asthma.

For the simple pranayam of Anulom vilom, in which one needs to breathe in through one nostril and breathe out though the other, is also not advisable for all, Sharma claims.

On the other hand it seems that like many other yoga therapist, Mr. Sharma is also slightly of the opinion that only Baba Ramdev should not take all the credit of being the yoga teacher. There are others too. Baba Ramdev is the well known yoga Therapist who used to teach yoga on TV channels. It is also true that so many patients depict their success stories of recovering with yoga prescribed by Baba.

Whatever it may be, one thing is true that yoga is a solution to all the diseases and it can even cure cancer.

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