Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Resolve Conflicts

Working with teams can be a frustrating experience, especially when seemingly straight forward conflict devolves into personal or protracted disputes. Next time your team members start throwing proverbial punches, take these three steps to get them to stop fighting and start working;

- Intervene Early: the sooner you step in, the better. A simple disagreement can turn into a serious conflict within seconds when emotions are running high.

- Focus on team norms: Refer back to something the parties can agree on or, hopefully, already have agreed on. Use team norms to guide behavior and help the parties identify common ground.

- Create shared agreement: To reach an accord, have the team members talk it through. With all parties cards on the table, facilitate an outcome that is amenable to all. Avoid a lowest common denominator solution. Instead, find one that integrates all parties' interest.

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