Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cheese can reduce Risk of Diabetes, says Study

Cheese can reduce risk of diabetes - a new research has claimed. A team of British and Dutch researchers found that eating just two slices of cheese a day cuts the risk of type 2 diabetes by 12 per cent.
The researchers studied the case of 16,800 healthy adults and 12,400 patients with type 2 diabetes from eight European countries, including the UK and looked at their diets. They found that those who ate at least 55 grams of cheese a day that is around two slices, were 12 per cent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes and the risk fell by the same amount for those who ate 55 grams of yoghurt a day. While since years, National Health Survey guidelines in the UK have advised against eating too much dairy, cake or red meat as they can increase cholesterol and raise the risk of diabetes, the present finding seems unreasonable. Yes, it is possible that the probiotic bacteria present in cheese and yoghurt can lower cholesterol and produce certain vitamins which prevent diabetes. Researchers including academics from the Medical Research Council, Cambridge said that not all saturated fats are as harmful as others, and some may even be beneficial. Cheese, milk and yoghurt are also high in vitamin D, calcium and magnesium, which may help protect diabetes.
The study was published in the ‘American Journal of Clinical Nutrition’.

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