Saturday, March 17, 2012


Being the boss is hard, especially when you need to counter the natural tendencies that separate you from the people you manage. 

Recognizing these tendencies can help you avoid them. Here are the top three to watch out for:

- Self-delusion: Not only do bosses have this tendency; the majority of people estimate their skills to be higher than they are in reality. Be aware that you might be self aggrandizing and find ways to get input and evaluations that show you your true skills.

- Heedlessness: Those in positions of power are watched carefully by the people below them. But that level of attention is often not reciprocated. When you become the head honcho, don't forget to remain curious about and engaged with your direct reports.

- Insulation:  No one wants to deliver bad news to the boss, so the boss often doesn't know the full story. Create a culture in which the messenger isn't shot, but is lauded for bringing important information forward.

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