Monday, February 13, 2012

Discover the Vision

E ffective leaders and their organizations have an agenda. A vision. A vision is a direction—an attractive and attainable picture of the future. And it is important that every individual, group and organization have one that they can articulate. A vision isn't a statement on a laminated card that everyone is to carry. It is meant to solve real issues and move people to new behaviors. As a leader, if you don't know where you are going, you are irrelevant to you followers. With a vision you can inspire and lift individuals and groups to new heights—an important function of any leader. visionprocess
The visionary process is made up of fundamentally three steps: discovering the vision, disseminating the vision and finally, driving the vision forward.
Obviously, constructing the vision is the most crucial step. All else hangs on the vision itself. It must motivate people by asking them to change to achieve a new level of behavior or there is really no meaning in and no purpose for the vision statement. Understanding that vision is about change is crucial to developing a persuasive vision that others will relate to an follow. It implies that you know where you currently are and where you want then be. Your vision must be grounded in commonly accepted core issues if it is to be accepted by the team. If your people do not believe that you understand them and the current situation, they will not be able to see the way to your vision.
That said, the vision can come from almost anywhere. It is not merely a dream but a realistic picture of what could be. It should be pragmatic. In addition, it should be something that you are sincerely passionate about. If you are not passionate about it, it will be difficult for you to get others to get on board and sustain it. 

Almost everyone has a vision but they are not always shared visions. An effective vision must be a meaningful picture of the future that can be fully articulated and shared by all members of the team. Everyone needs to be able to have a part in the vision. A vision is not an end but a means. It provides the direction by which its adherents will achieve a purpose or result.

The vision can be somewhat dynamic and fluid considering the changes in the times and needs of the group. It should be well thought out so that you are able to anticipate the upcoming realities of a given situation and adjust your vision accordingly. This will greatly enhance your chances of success.

The next step is to disseminate the vision.

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